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Who are we with?
Jesus said, “you are either with me or against me”.
Not choosing a side is choosing a side.

Our prayer and goal should be for Christians:
  • to have the freedom to worship God and practice our faith without fear and persecution
  • to have the courage and commitment to defend and expand Christianity

With FAITH, PRAYER & ACTION, we should attempt to transform our decaying secular culture.

united we stand

"If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree.” Charles Finney

Rev 7.9 was originally started as a co-op of inter-denominational churches and ministries that worked together with the same vision.

to promote a youth revival

to have city-wide interdenominational Christian Youth Rallies.

to develop youth rallies that would attract saved and lost teens to the House of God.

to provide a fun and evangelical event for our youth to bring their friends and fellowship with other Christians.

The youth rallies began when ten interdenominational senior pastors, youth pastors and missionaries united to pray for revival. The first meeting was held on 4/27/10 in San Antonio, Texas.

These pastors were kingdom minded and made a commitment to work together; to serve God beyond the walls of their churches.

Rev 7.9 was based on Revelation 7:9 (All nations. All tribes. All languages.)


Campus Crusade – Destino Movement
Community Bible Church
Crusaders for Christ Ministry
First Mexican Baptist Church
Fortress Church
Grace Church
Light House Christian Temple
South San Filadelfia Church
Spanish Christian Church
Young Life Ministry

Youth Rallies were hosted by:

First Mexican Baptist Church 7/09/2010
Fortress Church 9/11/2010
South San Filadelfia Baptist Church 10/08/2010
Maranatha Bible Church 11/12/2010
Campus Crusade-Destino Movement 1/14/2011
Northside Community Church 2/18/2011
Grace Church 3/11/2011
Cornerstone Church 5/13/2011
Trinity Baptist Church at TriPoint 8/21/2011
Trinity Baptist Church at TriPoint 9/09/2011

  • Assisted a group of Youth Pastors that founded “Fuse” to continue the city-wide youth rallies.
  • Helped start "Christians Engaged in Government" which became "Salt and Light SA".
  • The Rev 7.9 co-op was discontinued and the Rev 7.9 Facebook was retained for Religious/Political Culture Awareness.
  • Began the transition to “Revival San Antonio”

united we stand

We work together as partners who belong to God. 1 Cor 3:9